Indonesian Conversation – 1

Abel : Hai, lama banget nggak ketemu! Gimana kabarnya? (Hi, it’s been ages since we last met! How are you?)

Budi : Hai! Iya, bener banget, udah lama ya. Kabar aku oke-oke aja. Kamu sendiri gimana? (Hey there! Yeah, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’m doing alright, how about you?)

Abel : Alhamdulillah, baik juga kok. Keluarga gimana kabarnya? (Alhamdulillah, I’m good too. How’s your family doing?)

Budi : Mereka juga baik-baik aja. Anak-anakku udah pada gede-gede nih. Keluarga kamu sendiri gimana? (They’re all good. My kids are getting bigger. How about your family?)

Abel : Keluarga aku juga baik. Anak-anakku lagi sibuk-sibuknya sama sekolah dan aktivitas lain. Orangtua kamu gimana? (My family is doing well too. My kids are busy with school and other activities. How are your parents?)

Budi : Sehat-sehat aja kok. Tapi ayah baru aja pensiun, jadi sekarang dia lebih banyak di rumah. (They’re doing fine, just chillin’. But my dad just retired, so he’s spending more time at home now.)

Abel : Wah, pasti ada banyak perubahan ya. Adek-kakak kamu gimana? (Wow, that’s a big change. How are your siblings?)

Budi : Semua juga baik-baik aja. Kakak perempuanku baru pindah ke Jakarta buat kerja. (They’re all good too. My older sister just moved to Jakarta for a new job.)

Abel : Seru pasti! Semoga dia betah di sana. Eh, kakek dan nenek kamu gimana kabarnya? (That sounds exciting! I hope she enjoys it there. So, how about your grandparents?)

Budi : Mereka juga sehat-sehat aja, masih menikmati hidup. Gimana kakek dan nenek kamu? (They’re still going strong, enjoying life. How about yours?)

Abel : Mereka juga baik. Nenek masih aktif ikut kegiatan sosial. (They’re good too. My grandma is still active in her community activities.)

Budi : Mantap! Semoga sehat dan bahagia terus ya. Udah lama banget nggak ngobrol kayak gini, ya? (That’s great! I hope they stay healthy and happy. It’s been so long since we had a chat like this, huh?)

Abel : Iya, bener juga. Kita harus sering-sering ngumpul kayak gini. (Yeah, it really has. We should hang out like this more often.)

Budi : Iya, bener. Ayo, kita janjian ketemu lagi lain waktu ya. (Totally. Let’s make plans to meet up again sometime soon.)

Abel : Oke deh, sampai ketemu ya! (Alright, see you then!)

Budi : Ya! Sampai ketemu! (See you!)

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