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The word “titip” in Indonesian means “to entrust” or “to leave something in someone else’s care.” It is often used in contexts where you ask someone to take care of or handle something on your behalf, whether it’s physical items, messages, or responsibilities. Here’s how it can be used:

Common Uses of “Titip”

  1. Entrusting Items
    • Saya titip tas saya di sini, ya.
      (I’ll leave my bag here, okay?)
  2. Asking Someone to Buy or Bring Something
    • Kalau ke pasar, saya titip buah, ya.
      (If you go to the market, please get me some fruit.)
  3. Leaving a Message
    • Saya titip salam untuk ibu kamu.
      (Please send my regards to your mom.)
  4. Entrusting Responsibility
    • Titip anak-anak sebentar, ya.
      (Please watch the kids for a while.)

Variations with Prefixes

  • Menitipkan
    A more formal or complete form of “titip,” meaning “to entrust something.”
    • Dia menitipkan dokumen penting kepada temannya.
      (He entrusted important documents to his friend.)
  • Dititipkan
    The passive form, meaning “to be entrusted.”
    • Barang itu dititipkan kepada tetangga.
      (The item was entrusted to the neighbor.)

“Titip” is a very practical and polite word commonly used in daily Indonesian interactions!

Here are 10 examples of how “titip” can be used in different contexts:

1. Titip Barang

  • Saya titip jaket saya di kursi ini, ya.
    (I’ll leave my jacket on this chair, okay?)

2. Titip Belanjaan

  • Kalau kamu ke toko, saya titip susu.
    (If you go to the store, please get me some milk.)

3. Titip Uang

  • Bisa titip uang ini ke ibu saya?
    (Can you pass this money to my mom?)

4. Titip Makanan

  • Titip nasi goreng kalau kamu pesan, ya.
    (Please order fried rice for me if you’re ordering.)

5. Titip Pesan

  • Tolong titip pesan ini ke atasanmu.
    (Please deliver this message to your boss.)

6. Titip Anak

  • Saya mau pergi sebentar, bisa titip anak saya di sini?
    (I’m stepping out for a bit; can I leave my child here?)

7. Titip Salam

  • Titip salam untuk keluarga kamu, ya.
    (Send my regards to your family.)

8. Titip Dokumen

  • Titip dokumen ini ke bagian administrasi, ya.
    (Please hand over this document to the administration.)

9. Titip Tanggung Jawab

  • Saya titip tugas ini ke kamu karena saya harus pergi.
    (I’m entrusting this task to you because I have to leave.)

10. Titip Foto

Kalau kamu pergi ke pantai, saya titip foto sunset, ya.
(If you go to the beach, please take a picture of the sunset for me.)

Latihan : Translate the following sentences into Indonesian.

  • I’ll leave this book on the table, don’t move it, okay?
  • If you go to the convenience store, please get me some soap.
  • Can I leave my house key at your place?
  • I’ll leave the kids at Grandma’s house while we’re away.
  • Please drop off these clothes at the laundry, okay?


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